Fun-raiser Raffle Winners

Thank You for Making Our Fundraising Raffle a Success!

We are thrilled to share the incredible success of our recent fundraising raffle for the Little Buddies Toy Library! Thanks to the generosity and support of our wonderful community, we have raised over $2400. This will go directly towards our operational costs, ensuring we can continue to provide a financially accessible service to the Wyndham community.

A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Supporters

Firstly, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who purchased raffle tickets. Your support is vital to the continuation and growth of our toy library, and we are incredibly grateful for your contribution.

A Special Thanks to Our Local Business Sponsors

Our fundraising efforts wouldn't have been possible without the incredible donations from local businesses. We are immensely grateful for their generosity and community spirit. A big thank you to:

Your support has made a tremendous impact, and we are proud to have such wonderful partners in our community.

Congratulations to Our Raffle Winners!

We are excited to announce the winners of the Little Buddies Toy Library Raffle 2024:

1st Prize - Ticket #419 H.M.

2nd Prize - Ticket #874 A.C.

3rd Prize - Ticket #162 C.N.

4th Prize - Ticket #170 C.N.

5th Prize - Ticket #669 S.A.

6th Prize - Ticket #174 C.H.

7th Prize - Ticket #473 S.K.

8th Prize - Ticket #695 D.P.

9th Prize - Ticket #335 Y.M.

10th Prize - Ticket #860 C.M.

11th Prize - Ticket #853 A.A.

12th Prize - Ticket #559 (identity withheld)

13th Prize - Ticket #688 (identity withheld)

14th Prize - Ticket #780 M.J.M.

Congratulations to all our winners! We hope you enjoy your prizes, and thank you once again for your support.

Looking Ahead

The success of this raffle demonstrates the power of community and the importance of supporting local initiatives. The funds raised will help us continue to provide valuable services and resources to families in Wyndham. We look forward to many more successful events!

Thank you once again to everyone involved. Together, we are keeping play alive! 🌈

Warm regards,

The Little Buddies Toy Library